Le colorant GEL pour enduit NEVER-MISS ( traduction : ne jamais rater )
Nouveau aux US ce colorant permet en l'incorporant dans votre enduit lors des passes de finition, d'en changer la couleur.
Ainsi vous verrez où vous êtes repassés pour les petites retouches et où il faudra éventuellement poncer pour une finition parfaite.
Ce colorant n'altère en rien la composition de vos enduits.
Il éclaircit en séchant et ne se voit pas sous la peinture.
Il se ponce parfaitement.
Dosage :
Une cuillère à soupe pour une petite retouche.
Un petit verre d'eau pour un seau d'enduit complet.
Jaune pour différencier entre chaque passe.
Mini-bouteille de 88 ml
Eco-participation incluse de 29€ HT / tonne
Made in USA by:
Never-Miss is a breakthrough technology for tinting drywall joint compound and drywall mud for the purpose of providing extreme visibility during final touch up work, sanding, and Level 4 / Level 5 finishing. The Never-Miss formula has a priming effect that helps to eliminate paint flashing and joint shadowing, thus improving the quality of the job and helping the work to be done right the first time. This unique joint compound additive helps drywall finishers consistently achieve high-end smooth wall finishes with complete accuracy while saving time and money. Unlike food coloring, carpenters chalk, or other inferior alternatives, Never-Miss uses a specific non-toxic formula for drywall joint compound that is proven to not bleed through the paint or impregnate the gypsum board in anyway.
- See more at: http://www.walltools.com/never-miss-colorin-gel-blue-16oz-bottle-pb500.html#sthash.48qAZtA6.dpuf
Never-Miss is a breakthrough technology for tinting drywall joint compound and drywall mud for the purpose of providing extreme visibility during final touch up work, sanding, and Level 4 / Level 5 finishing. The Never-Miss formula has a priming effect that helps to eliminate paint flashing and joint shadowing, thus improving the quality of the job and helping the work to be done right the first time. This unique joint compound additive helps drywall finishers consistently achieve high-end smooth wall finishes with complete accuracy while saving time and money. Unlike food coloring, carpenters chalk, or other inferior alternatives, Never-Miss uses a specific non-toxic formula for drywall joint compound that is proven to not bleed through the paint or impregnate the gypsum board in anyway.
- See more at: http://www.walltools.com/never-miss-colorin-gel-blue-16oz-bottle-pb500.html#sthash.48qAZtA6.dpuf